Our Supporters
Thank You to Our Supporters!
Founder’s Circle ($1M+)
Lori Lerner & Terry Berkemeier*
Visionary Circle ($250K+)
Anonymous Family Foundation
Joanne Bethlahmy Trust
Rosenberger Family Fund – In Memory of Diane C Rosenberger
Cindy & Chris Winship
Christina (Tina) McArthur & Richard Rubenstein*
The Stadnick Family – In Memory of Leo Stadnick
Jean Gleason Stromberg & Kurt Stromberg
Leadership Circle ($50K-$249,000)
Sally, Sammy and Rusty in Loving Memory of Elizabeth Bertuccelli
Ann H Batman – In Honor of Richard Batman
City of Larkspur*
County of Marin
Kristi & Jonathan Ellenzweig*
Barbara & Karl Friday*
Friends of the Larkspur Library*
Jeanette Giacomini*
Kathy & Christopher Hartzell*
Marian & Bill Howard*
Marisa & Joe Jennings*
Ramsey & Karen Jishi
Keenan C Kelsey
The Koeppel Family*
Larkspur Library Foundation*
William C Mentzer
Dyan & Peter Pike*
The Residents of The Tamalpais Marin
Catherine & Lawrence Way*
Library Champions Circle ($10K-$49,999)
Cheryl & Rand Alexander
The Buechert Family
David & Rebecca Conant
Leigh Estes & Jeff Schlichting
Wendy Evje*
Paul B. Feasby Charitable Fund*
Gabriel Gesmer*
David L & Betty Hood Gibson Charity Fund
Robert & Judith Greber
Katherine & Brendhan Green*
Martha A Langston
Larkspur Community Foundation*
Stephen & Patricia McMahon
JP Morgan Charitable Giving Fund
The Mullin Family, in honor of Patrick Mullin
N.E.W. Fund
In Memory of Richard and Elda Phillips
Andy & Alison Revell and Family*
Salesforce Foundation
John & Carol Schrumpf
Sequoia Living
Rosine Reynolds & Steve Stein*
Anne M Zucchi
Library Lovers Circle ($5K-$9,999)
The Alexander Family Fund
Doug & Sharon Bowers and Family
Dulcy & Spencer Brainard*
Susan Bryson
Carrie & James Burroughs*
John & Patricia Cahill
Sheri & Dayton Coles
Carey Hagglund Condy
Stephanie Douglass & Gary Goerss
Laurie Phillips Dubin & Scott Dubin
Leland & Susan Faust
Jeanne Friedel*
Armelle & Michael Futterman*
Lynn & John Gerson
Robert & Jan Ginsburg*
The Peter and Jackie Henning Fund of the Community Foundation for Monterey County
Humankind Humankindness Foundation
David & Megan Ingraham
The Kirsner Family
Sue Missimer
Jordan & Jennifer Moss
Barbara Otto (Otto Family Foundation)
Nancy Schlegel*
Rachel & Jeremy Schneider
Sellers Family Charitable Fund – In Honor of Children of Larkspur
Elise Simonian
Diana St. James – In Honor of Nancy Corser
Jeanine & Karl Tede
Maryann & Don Thompson
Linda & Bill Tichy
Mary Van Dyke
Harris F (Hank) Simmonds
Brock Wagstaff
Book Lovers Circle ($2.5K – $4,999)
Ryan Abbe
Gail Bloom – In recognition of Green Family
Patricia Chiota & Richard Payne
Leslie Colcord
Gary Haber & Barbara Luttig-Haber
David & Tricia Lacy
Lillian Lessler
Victoria Love*
Jeannie & Ken Perry
Cheryl & Sven Pole
George Possin
AJ Rea & Family*
Stuart & Molly Silloway
Natalie & Paul Straub*
Carol A Svetcov*
Community Support Circle ($1-$2,499)
Wendy Aitken
Julie Allecta*
Arthur Allen
James C Allen*
Genevieve Ames
Laura Anderson
Anonymous (4)
Linda D Armstrong
Jeanne Azen
Bank of the West
Lorraine A Barry
Matt Bearson
Shirley A Beers
Betsy Bennett & Oliver Weir
Lorin & Jeremy Bentley
GA Blauvelt
Candice Boaz
Layla Bockhorst
Holly Bogin
Patricia & Thomas Borden
The Boren Swisher Charitable Fund
The Bosley-Richards Family
Sherrie Brand
Helen Breck – In Honor of Mary Bragg Ricksen
Brenda & Donal Brown
The Brown Family
Donna Cameron
Dipa S Cappelen
Ingrid Carbone
Bergliot Carlsen – In Honor of Grandchildren
Joseph Carouba
Kevin Carroll
Gillian Cassel & David Ripperton
Anne Cecchettini
Patricia Cefalu
David Chavez
Marie Chrisman
Larry Chu & Tasmin Pesso
Monica & Peter Clark
William Clarke
Gregory Cleary
Carol Carter Colbert – In Honor of Douglas Colbert
Colletti Family
Lincoln and Laura Collins
Patricia Compton
Loring Conant, Jr.
Gail Connolly
Kathryn J Conway – In Memory of Harriet and James Conway
James and Jo Anne Costello – In Honor of Bill and Barbara Costello
Elizabeth Crawford
Creekside Neighbors In Memory of Monica Clark
Ann E Crump
Serena D’Arcy-Fisher
Paul da Silva
Rosemary De Sanna
Michael Dean
The Deutsch Family – In Memory of Elda Phillips
Dodge & Cox
Patricia Doherty
Patrick Dotterweich
Andrew Dubin – In Memory of Elda Phillips
Mark Dubin – In Memory of Elda Phillips
Karen & Dan Dunn
Mary Eisinger
Lindy Emrich
Elizabeth A Enemark
Sharon Faccinto*
Loretta Farley
Dr. Mitchell Feldman & Dr. Jane Kramer
Janette & Walter Ferris
Janette Ferris – In Memory of Annette Perry
Cynthia Folkmann
Mei-Ling Fong
Barbara Fopp-Paullin
Evelyn Fox
Dee Fratus – In Honor of Don Fratus
Fremont Group Foundation
Bruce & Joanne Friedman
Howard Friesen
Rebecca Frye & Daniel Hillmer
Barbara & Tom Gaffney
Patrick & Diane Gallagher
Lynn Garay – In Memory of Elda Phillips
Linda Garrett
James L Gault
Patricia Gibbons
Jack Giessler
Jerome & Judy Gilbert
Sam & Pat Gillespie
Jacqueline Gilman
Marcia Ginsburg
Kymus Ginwala
Girl Scout Troop 10506
John J Girton
Jennifer Golbus
Marilyn Goldman
Peter Goldstein
Michael R Gordon
Shirley C Gottesman – in memory of Robert Gottesman
Regan Gough
Jayne Greenberg – In Memory of Elda Phillips
Lynda & Richard Greene*
Ellen Greenwald
Judy A Gries
Jakob Gron
Jeffery Gunderson
Carolann & William Haggerty
Arlene Hansen
Michele Hansen
Kevin Haroff*
Karen Haydock
Thomas & Kathryn Hecht
Jo Anne Heidrick
Paul Alfred Heineken
Mark Henderson & Laura Tauber
Jennifer & Eric Henerlau – In Honor of Richard Henerlau
Jane Herman
Sheila Hershon
Stephen Hettleman – In Memory of Elda Phillips
John & Lynne Hoffman
Helyse Hollander*
Hooper, Lundy & Bookman, PC – In Memory of Elda Phillips
Richard & Katie Horan – In Memory of Elda Phillips
Gretchen Hoskins
Daggett H Howard
Kip & Sara Howard
Doris N. Hunker*
Jim Hunnewell*
Bobbie Hunt
Herbert & Donna Husen
Betty A Hutson
Laurie Hyman – In Memory of Elda Phillips
Steve Isaacs
Alyssa Jaffee
Elaine M James
Matt & Susan Janin
Elisa Johnson
Katherine Jones
Erin Kahn
Alice Kaufman & Frank Gold*
Nancy C Kearney
Ken & Kerry Keefe
Nancy Kellerman
Jinwoo Kim
Barbara Graham Kreissler
Janey Kuhl
Gail Legallet
Bryant Lehr – In Memory of Elda Phillips
Dennis & Enid Lehr – In Memory of Elda Phillips
Lamar Leland
Michelle & Jeffrey Leopold
W.J. (Bill) & J.F. Levinson*
Jiayi Liang
Margit Liesche & Peter Lillevand
Malcolm R Litwiller, MD & Mary Theresa Dowling
Abbie Loftus
Erin Loftus Sweetland
Denise Lomele
Shirley Long
Laura Lovett
Joan Lubamersky
Ann K Ludwig
Richard & Deborah Lundberg
Joan Lundstrom*
Alexandra Lutnick
Merrill Mack
Vail Maes
Marin Sanitary Service
Lois Markovich
Stephanie & Michael Marsch
Katherine & Dan Matso
Dianne Maxon
The Dean & Donna McCauley Family Fund
Deirdre McCrohan
Rusty and Sammy McDonough
James & Virginia McElroy
Betsy McGee
Kris McGee – In Memory of Elda Phillips
T. Neal McNamara
Lauren Mead – In Memory of Elda Phillips
Patricia Medina
Michelle Melka
Richard Mellott Antiques
Peter & Gisela Mellini
Clarke & Katy Miller*
Anna Minton
Vida Moattar
Robin & David Moller
Ann Morrison
Richard Morrison
Doug & Sheri Mowbray
Aileen Murphy – In Honor of Howard Murphy
Ted & Carol Murphy
Ron & Chris Murphy
Gabor Nagy
Sondra M Napell – In Memory of Herb Napell
Network for Good*
In Memory of Steve Nicol (Anonymous)*
Dorothy & Allen Nirenstein
Richard S Norman
Linnea O’Brien
Patricia O’Brien
Lori Ocheltree & Ray Johnson
Robert & Donna Oliver
Karena O’Riordan
Rozell Overmire
Susan Painter*
Christine Palmer*
Mark Palmer*
Angeline Papastefan – In Memory of Ann Papastefan
Lois & Warren Patton*
Gabriel Paulson
Joyce Pavolvsky
Sandra Ruliffson & Dwight Pedersen*
Patricia L Peeples
Derek Perner
Robert & Hannah Perutz
PG&E Employee Giving
Lynn & Dan Pfeifer – In Memory of Elda Phillips
Barry Phegan
Marc & Mandy Pierpoint
Caitlin Pike
Zdenka Pisarev
Cathy & Eugene Plocki
Claud Dwayne Price & Nancy Weninger
Lorraine I Prinzing
Catherine Pyke*
Marianne Rafter and Peter Elliott Martin – In memory of Sandy Blauvelt and Dr. Gerrit
Lynne Redding
Diana Richmond
Kristin D Rivera
Lynne Redding Robinson
Sue & Bill Rochester*
Tara Rooney
Sylvia Ross
Mark Rushford
Julie Ryan
Donald Sadowski
Gretchen Saeger
Judith Saffran*
Sares Regis Education and Community Foundation
Mark Scafidi
Jim & Mary Dale Scheller*
Hans Schmid
Andrea Schultz
Susan Schwartz
Daniel Schwarz
Martha Schwarz
Bruce Seidel
Suzanne C. Shelhart*
Robert Shores
Joe N Short
Randal Short
Katherine Shotwell
Michael Sillman
Barbara Singleton
Kathleen & Norman Slaught
Judy Klayman Smith
Shelagh Smith
Benjamin Soccorsy (In Memory of Judy Soccorsy)
Joe & Sara Spero
Diana St. James
Carol A Staiger
Robert Staley
Judith Frost Stark
Robert & Barbara Stenson
Stephanie4Larkspur Campaign
Stern Family Fund
Stoddard Pflueger Family Fund
Allison Stone
Laura Streeter
Peter & Marie Sullivan
Susan Sun
Lisbet & Stuart Sunshine*
Timothy Sweeney
Philip & Patricia Terry*
Paul & Lana Tietjen
Jennifer & Phil Tippett
Gwen Davis Toso
The Tripp Family
Turn To The Wonderful Fund–Rabbi Jeff & Midy Glickman
Alan & Joanne Vidinsky
Margaret Wagner
The Wagstaff Family
Jesse Wagstaff
Barbara M Ward
Nancy & Steven Wasserman*
Joan Alice Weinberg
Dr. Richard Welch
The Kenny and Erin Werner Family Charitable Fund
Steven Wertheimer
Jim Whelpley & Karen Yu
Myralin G Whitaker
Paul Whiteley
Michelle & Jeff Wilcox*
Chris C Wilhite
Claudia Wilson
Sallyanne & John Wilson*
Kristina & Ryan Wilson*
Barbara & Elliot Wolfe*
Carolyn & Fred Wood
Ann H Woodward
Susan S Woodward
Renee Yang
Eugenie Yaryan & Shirley Marn
Bryant & Betsy Young
Lenora Young
Michael Bloom & Audrey Zavell*
*2019 A special thanks to all our SEEDLING DONORS
A special thanks to all our SEEDLING DONORS for their early-stage support, and to the late Scott Lockard who generously provided all the initial conceptual library drawings.