Our Supporters

Thank You to Our Supporters!

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated supporters. Thanks to you, our vision for a new modern Larkspur Library and community gathering space has come to life. We could not have achieved this without you. Thank you!
We are deeply grateful to Scott Lockard for creating the conceptual drawings that brought our vision to life. We would not be where we are today without his generosity and talent. We regret that Scott is not with us today to see the new library come to fruition.
Founder’s Circle ($1M+)

Lori Lerner & Terry Berkemeier*

Visionary Circle ($250K+)

Anonymous Family Foundation
Joanne Bethlahmy Trust
Rosenberger Family Fund – In Memory of Diane C Rosenberger
Cindy & Chris Winship
Christina (Tina) McArthur & Richard Rubenstein*
The Stadnick Family – In Memory of Leo Stadnick
Jean Gleason Stromberg & Kurt Stromberg

Leadership Circle ($50K-$249,000)

Sally, Sammy and Rusty in Loving Memory of Elizabeth Bertuccelli
Ann H Batman – In Honor of Richard Batman
City of Larkspur*
County of Marin
Kristi & Jonathan Ellenzweig*
Barbara & Karl Friday*
Friends of the Larkspur Library*
Jeanette Giacomini*
Kathy & Christopher Hartzell*
Marian & Bill Howard*
Marisa & Joe Jennings*
Ramsey & Karen Jishi
Keenan C Kelsey
The Koeppel Family*
Larkspur Library Foundation*
William C Mentzer
Dyan & Peter Pike*
The Residents of The Tamalpais Marin
Catherine & Lawrence Way*

Library Champions Circle ($10K-$49,999)

Cheryl & Rand Alexander
The Buechert Family
David & Rebecca Conant
Leigh Estes & Jeff Schlichting
Wendy Evje*
Paul B. Feasby Charitable Fund*
Gabriel Gesmer*
David L & Betty Hood Gibson Charity Fund
Robert & Judith Greber
Katherine & Brendhan Green*
Martha A Langston
Larkspur Community Foundation*
Stephen & Patricia McMahon
JP Morgan Charitable Giving Fund
The Mullin Family, in honor of Patrick Mullin
N.E.W. Fund
In Memory of Richard and Elda Phillips
Andy & Alison Revell and Family*
Salesforce Foundation
John & Carol Schrumpf
Sequoia Living
Rosine Reynolds & Steve Stein*
Anne M Zucchi

Library Lovers Circle ($5K-$9,999)

The Alexander Family Fund
Doug & Sharon Bowers and Family
Dulcy & Spencer Brainard*
Susan Bryson
Carrie & James Burroughs*
John & Patricia Cahill
Sheri & Dayton Coles
Carey Hagglund Condy
Stephanie Douglass & Gary Goerss
Laurie Phillips Dubin & Scott Dubin
Leland & Susan Faust
Jeanne Friedel*
Armelle & Michael Futterman*
Lynn & John Gerson
Robert & Jan Ginsburg*
The Peter and Jackie Henning Fund of the Community Foundation for Monterey County
Humankind Humankindness Foundation
David & Megan Ingraham
The Kirsner Family
Sue Missimer
Jordan & Jennifer Moss
Barbara Otto (Otto Family Foundation)
Nancy Schlegel*
Rachel & Jeremy Schneider
Sellers Family Charitable Fund – In Honor of Children of Larkspur
Elise Simonian
Diana St. James – In Honor of Nancy Corser
Jeanine & Karl Tede
Maryann & Don Thompson
Linda & Bill Tichy
Mary Van Dyke
Harris F (Hank) Simmonds
Brock Wagstaff

Book Lovers Circle ($2.5K – $4,999)

Ryan Abbe
Gail Bloom – In recognition of Green Family
Patricia Chiota & Richard Payne
Leslie Colcord
Gary Haber & Barbara Luttig-Haber
David & Tricia Lacy
Lillian Lessler
Victoria Love*
Jeannie & Ken Perry
Cheryl & Sven Pole
George Possin
AJ Rea & Family*
Stuart & Molly Silloway
Natalie & Paul Straub*
Carol A Svetcov*

Community Support Circle ($1-$2,499)

Wendy Aitken
Julie Allecta*
Arthur Allen
James C Allen*
Genevieve Ames
Laura Anderson
Anonymous (4)
Linda D Armstrong
Jeanne Azen
Bank of the West
Lorraine A Barry
Matt Bearson
Shirley A Beers
Betsy Bennett & Oliver Weir
Lorin & Jeremy Bentley
GA Blauvelt
Candice Boaz
Layla Bockhorst
Holly Bogin
Patricia & Thomas Borden
The Boren Swisher Charitable Fund
The Bosley-Richards Family
Sherrie Brand
Helen Breck – In Honor of Mary Bragg Ricksen
Brenda & Donal Brown
The Brown Family
Donna Cameron
Dipa S Cappelen
Ingrid Carbone
Bergliot Carlsen – In Honor of Grandchildren
Joseph Carouba
Kevin Carroll
Gillian Cassel & David Ripperton
Anne Cecchettini
Patricia Cefalu
David Chavez
Marie Chrisman
Larry Chu & Tasmin Pesso
Monica & Peter Clark
William Clarke
Gregory Cleary
Carol Carter Colbert – In Honor of Douglas Colbert
Colletti Family
Lincoln and Laura Collins
Patricia Compton
Loring Conant, Jr.
Gail Connolly
Kathryn J Conway – In Memory of Harriet and James Conway
James and Jo Anne Costello – In Honor of Bill and Barbara Costello
Elizabeth Crawford
Creekside Neighbors In Memory of Monica Clark
Ann E Crump
Serena D’Arcy-Fisher
Paul da Silva
Rosemary De Sanna
Michael Dean
The Deutsch Family – In Memory of Elda Phillips
Dodge & Cox
Patricia Doherty
Patrick Dotterweich
Andrew Dubin – In Memory of Elda Phillips
Mark Dubin – In Memory of Elda Phillips
Karen & Dan Dunn
Mary Eisinger
Lindy Emrich
Elizabeth A Enemark
Sharon Faccinto*
Loretta Farley
Dr. Mitchell Feldman & Dr. Jane Kramer
Janette & Walter Ferris
Janette Ferris – In Memory of Annette Perry
Cynthia Folkmann
Mei-Ling Fong
Barbara Fopp-Paullin
Evelyn Fox
Dee Fratus – In Honor of Don Fratus
Fremont Group Foundation
Bruce & Joanne Friedman
Howard Friesen
Rebecca Frye & Daniel Hillmer
Barbara & Tom Gaffney
Patrick & Diane Gallagher
Lynn Garay – In Memory of Elda Phillips
Linda Garrett
James L Gault
Patricia Gibbons
Jack Giessler
Jerome & Judy Gilbert
Sam & Pat Gillespie
Jacqueline Gilman
Marcia Ginsburg
Kymus Ginwala
Girl Scout Troop 10506
John J Girton
Jennifer Golbus
Marilyn Goldman
Peter Goldstein
Michael R Gordon
Shirley C Gottesman – in memory of Robert Gottesman
Regan Gough
Jayne Greenberg – In Memory of Elda Phillips
Lynda & Richard Greene*
Ellen Greenwald
Judy A Gries
Jakob Gron
Jeffery Gunderson
Carolann & William Haggerty
Arlene Hansen
Michele Hansen
Kevin Haroff*
Karen Haydock
Thomas & Kathryn Hecht
Jo Anne Heidrick
Paul Alfred Heineken
Mark Henderson & Laura Tauber
Jennifer & Eric Henerlau – In Honor of Richard Henerlau
Jane Herman
Sheila Hershon
Stephen Hettleman – In Memory of Elda Phillips
John & Lynne Hoffman
Helyse Hollander*
Hooper, Lundy & Bookman, PC – In Memory of Elda Phillips
Richard & Katie Horan – In Memory of Elda Phillips
Gretchen Hoskins
Daggett H Howard
Kip & Sara Howard
Doris N. Hunker*
Jim Hunnewell*
Bobbie Hunt
Herbert & Donna Husen
Betty A Hutson
Laurie Hyman – In Memory of Elda Phillips
Steve Isaacs
Alyssa Jaffee
Elaine M James
Matt & Susan Janin
Elisa Johnson
Katherine Jones
Erin Kahn
Alice Kaufman & Frank Gold*
Nancy C Kearney
Ken & Kerry Keefe
Nancy Kellerman
Jinwoo Kim
Barbara Graham Kreissler
Janey Kuhl
Gail Legallet
Bryant Lehr – In Memory of Elda Phillips
Dennis & Enid Lehr – In Memory of Elda Phillips
Lamar Leland
Michelle & Jeffrey Leopold
W.J. (Bill) & J.F. Levinson*
Jiayi Liang
Margit Liesche & Peter Lillevand
Malcolm R Litwiller, MD & Mary Theresa Dowling
Abbie Loftus
Erin Loftus Sweetland
Denise Lomele
Shirley Long
Laura Lovett
Joan Lubamersky
Ann K Ludwig
Richard & Deborah Lundberg
Joan Lundstrom*
Alexandra Lutnick
Merrill Mack
Vail Maes
Marin Sanitary Service
Lois Markovich
Stephanie & Michael Marsch
Katherine & Dan Matso
Dianne Maxon
The Dean & Donna McCauley Family Fund
Deirdre McCrohan
Rusty and Sammy McDonough
James & Virginia McElroy
Betsy McGee
Kris McGee – In Memory of Elda Phillips
T. Neal McNamara
Lauren Mead – In Memory of Elda Phillips
Patricia Medina
Michelle Melka
Richard Mellott Antiques
Peter & Gisela Mellini
Clarke & Katy Miller*
Anna Minton
Vida Moattar
Robin & David Moller
Ann Morrison
Richard Morrison
Doug & Sheri Mowbray
Aileen Murphy – In Honor of Howard Murphy
Ted & Carol Murphy
Ron & Chris Murphy
Gabor Nagy
Sondra M Napell – In Memory of Herb Napell
Network for Good*
In Memory of Steve Nicol (Anonymous)*
Dorothy & Allen Nirenstein
Richard S Norman
Linnea O’Brien
Patricia O’Brien
Lori Ocheltree & Ray Johnson
Robert & Donna Oliver
Karena O’Riordan
Rozell Overmire
Susan Painter*
Christine Palmer*
Mark Palmer*
Angeline Papastefan – In Memory of Ann Papastefan
Lois & Warren Patton*
Gabriel Paulson
Joyce Pavolvsky
Sandra Ruliffson & Dwight Pedersen*
Patricia L Peeples
Derek Perner
Robert & Hannah Perutz
PG&E Employee Giving
Lynn & Dan Pfeifer – In Memory of Elda Phillips
Barry Phegan
Marc & Mandy Pierpoint
Caitlin Pike
Zdenka Pisarev
Cathy & Eugene Plocki
Claud Dwayne Price & Nancy Weninger
Lorraine I Prinzing
Catherine Pyke*
Marianne Rafter and Peter Elliott Martin – In memory of Sandy Blauvelt and Dr. Gerrit
Lynne Redding
Diana Richmond
Kristin D Rivera
Lynne Redding Robinson
Sue & Bill Rochester*
Tara Rooney
Sylvia Ross
Mark Rushford
Julie Ryan
Donald Sadowski
Gretchen Saeger
Judith Saffran*
Sares Regis Education and Community Foundation
Mark Scafidi
Jim & Mary Dale Scheller*
Hans Schmid
Andrea Schultz
Susan Schwartz
Daniel Schwarz
Martha Schwarz
Bruce Seidel
Suzanne C. Shelhart*
Robert Shores
Joe N Short
Randal Short
Katherine Shotwell
Michael Sillman
Barbara Singleton
Kathleen & Norman Slaught
Judy Klayman Smith
Shelagh Smith
Benjamin Soccorsy (In Memory of Judy Soccorsy)
Joe & Sara Spero
Diana St. James
Carol A Staiger
Robert Staley
Judith Frost Stark
Robert & Barbara Stenson
Stephanie4Larkspur Campaign
Stern Family Fund
Stoddard Pflueger Family Fund
Allison Stone
Laura Streeter
Peter & Marie Sullivan
Susan Sun
Lisbet & Stuart Sunshine*
Timothy Sweeney
Philip & Patricia Terry*
Paul & Lana Tietjen
Jennifer & Phil Tippett
Gwen Davis Toso
The Tripp Family
Turn To The Wonderful Fund–Rabbi Jeff & Midy Glickman
Alan & Joanne Vidinsky
Margaret Wagner
The Wagstaff Family
Jesse Wagstaff
Barbara M Ward
Nancy & Steven Wasserman*
Joan Alice Weinberg
Dr. Richard Welch
The Kenny and Erin Werner Family Charitable Fund
Steven Wertheimer
Jim Whelpley & Karen Yu
Myralin G Whitaker
Paul Whiteley
Michelle & Jeff Wilcox*
Chris C Wilhite
Claudia Wilson
Sallyanne & John Wilson*
Kristina & Ryan Wilson*
Barbara & Elliot Wolfe*
Carolyn & Fred Wood
Ann H Woodward
Susan S Woodward
Renee Yang
Eugenie Yaryan & Shirley Marn
Bryant & Betsy Young
Lenora Young
Michael Bloom & Audrey Zavell*

*2019 A special thanks to all our SEEDLING DONORS

A special thanks to all our SEEDLING DONORS for their early-stage support, and to the late Scott Lockard who generously provided all the initial conceptual library drawings. 

Landscaping Campaign –
Funds Raised to Date

Thank you to all of our supporters for helping us make our new library and its surrounding grounds a welcoming and joyful space for the community!
$ 0

Amount Needed: $1 Million