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About The Commons Foundation

Shaping Tomorrow: Larkspur's New Modern Library

The Commons Foundation is a citizen-led 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose purpose is to raise private funds from Larkspur and neighboring communities to help fund, build and sustain a new modern library for Larkspur. 

At The Commons Foundation, we are committed to collaborating with partners who share our vision for a new Larkspur library and its surrounding grounds. We work closely with the City of Larkspur as its official fundraising partner, to ensure that our fundraising efforts are aligned with the city’s goals for the project. You can also follow city updates on the new library project hereAdditionally, we partner with local businesses, community organizations, and individual donors to raise critical funds for the construction of the new library and its exterior features. Together, we are building a space that will serve the entire community for generations to come.

After surpassing our initial goal of raising $5M to build a new Larkspur Library, TCF is now focused on a new campaign to enhance the outdoor spaces surrounding the new library.

Support new library Larkspur banner

TFC Partners

Government entities:
Larkspur City Council, The Library Board of Trustees, Larkspur Parks and Recreation Commission

Community nonprofits:
Friends of the Larkspur Library, Larkspur Library Foundation, Larkspur Community Foundation

Who We Serve

TCF serves all members of the community in Larkspur and beyond. Our mission is to create a new library and its surrounding grounds that will benefit everyone, including school-age children, teens, older adults, empty nesters, and those who commute to Marin for work.
Kids with mascot


Lockard Commons doherty
Landscaping and Outdoor Spaces (2023)
In 2023 TCF launched its $1M Landscaping Campaign to enhance the exterior spaces surrounding the new library, including features such as patios, walkways, raised beds, arbors, vegetation, amenities for cyclists and pedestrians, inviting seated areas, benches, water features, lighting, and a public square.
Lockard Commons doherty
Kids with mascot
Progress and Achievement (2022)
2022 was a milestone year for TCF. We surpassed our initial $5M goal, reaching $5.2M by December. A number of grants, including a significant one from the California State Library, were announced. Various programs and contests were launched, including the “Why I Love Libraries” Kid’s Art Contest and Community Match programs. The city also took concrete steps towards the new library, adding the Larkspur Library project to the city capital improvements program budget and retaining Kitchell Capital Expenditure Managers Inc. for project management.
Kids with mascot
Lockard Phase 2 Arial Picture1 (1)
Fundraising and Planning (2021)
In 2021, TCF launched the Capital Campaign, and the Larkspur City Council approved extending TCF's fundraising contract to December 2022. The city also announced the need to vacate the City Hall building, increasing the likelihood of the library moving to The Commons. This year also saw the announcement of a state budget matching grant for libraries and the receipt of a $1M state gift for the library.
Lockard Phase 2 Arial Picture1 (1)
Larkspur, San Rafael libraries snag big state grants
Expansion and COVID-19 Impact (2020)
The year 2020 began with the launch of the Annual Campaign and the announcement of the City-TCF Agreement in November. However, the year was marked by the COVID-19 shutdown which impacted operations. Despite this, TCF continued its efforts, recruiting champions and launching its first grant.
Larkspur, San Rafael libraries snag big state grants
group of kids with sign for library
Early Stages and Foundation (2018 - 2019)
2018-2019 marks the initiation of The Commons Foundation (TCF) project, starting with the founding of the Larkspur Library Community Center (LLCC) Task Force in May 2018. A City-LLCC work group was formed and The Commons branding was approved by the end of 2018. TCF fundraising began in December 2018, raising $280,000. In 2019, the city transferred 501(c)(3) to TCF, and various activities such as feasibility study, recruitment of champions, and community relations meetings took place. By the end of 2019, TCF had initiated the Seedling Campaign and erected the sign for the future home of The Commons and the new Larkspur Library. Conceptual drawings were created by Scott Lockard.
group of kids with sign for library