The $1M Landscaping Campaign
Help us Reach our Goal of $1M!
Join us in creating a welcoming and joyful outdoor space around the new library for the community by donating to our Landscaping Campaign.
Join Our Mission to Raise $1M!
Invest in Larkspur's Future:
$1M Campaign to Enrich Our Library's Outdoor Spaces
We raised $5.2M in private funds in 2022, which was matched by a state library grant, providing $10.4M to design and build a new Larkspur library. In addition, we received a $1M grant from Assemblymember Marc Levine which will fund the core infrastructure for the new building such as parking and utility connections. Unfortunately, none of these grant funds can be used to create the welcoming outdoor features around the new library.
Please join us in creating inviting outdoor areas! Your contribution will help us reach our goal of raising $1M for exterior features such as patios, walkways, raised beds, arbors, vegetation, amenities for cyclists and pedestrians, inviting seated areas, benches, water features, lighting, and a public square.
We are committed to ensuring that the outdoor areas at The Commons are as beautiful and inviting as the new fabulous library building itself. Together with your tax deductible contribution you can help us achieve this vision.