Dear Friend,
New Library Project Update
Our library project for Larkspur continues to evolve and is on track to break ground later this year. The original project had a preliminary budget of ~$10.4M, half of which was raised by The Commons Foundation (TCF) and the other half originating from the matching state grant.
Today, I’m happy to report that the Larkspur City Council recently approved expanding the plan to include a large community room and over 2,000 sq ft of potential new meeting space. An additional $4.6M was also approved, bringing the total budget to over $15M. How exciting!
However, there is still a lot of fundraising needed for furnishings, landscaping, and outdoor spaces that have been prioritized, if TCF can bring in some additional funds. We continue to build community support for this blooming civic project that will be a future hallmark of our town.
Below is the prioritized list of currently unfunded enhancements. City staff has rated each as high, medium, or low based on its value compared with the project criteria. We invite your support to fund some of these features in and around the new library.
- Sliding door between children’s library and medium community space room
- Children’s area patio
- Reading Room outdoor space
- Community Room outdoor space
- Habitat Garden
- Architectural ceiling in community space to match library
- Curved landscape benches
- Concrete pavers in-lieu of concrete
- Additional trees
To donate, please visit our donation page.
There are several ways to donate to TCF, including:
- Our donation page on our website.
- Submitting a PayPal payment or making a one-time gift with your credit card online (without signing into PayPal). Both can be performed on our website.
- Writing a check and mailing it to The Commons Foundation, Post Office Box 846, Larkspur, CA 94977
- Donating through your Donor Advised Fund or directly from your Retirement Fund.
- Please contact if you have questions. Donations are tax-deductible, and you will receive a gift acknowledgement by mail for tax purposes.
Quick Recap of the Design/Build Process
As shared in our January newsletter, Alten Construction with Noll & Tam Architects (ACI team) was selected to design and build the new Larkspur Library at The Commons. The Design Development plans will be made available for public review and comment as part of Design Review approval by the City Planning Commission.
We anticipate the design will be presented to the Planning Commission in June/July 2024. After the Planning Commission review, the team will finalize design details and prepare construction drawings required to secure a building permit. This process is anticipated to take about four to five months, leading to a construction start in late 2024 or early 2025. Construction is anticipated to take up to 12 months.
In the meantime, on-site construction is anticipated to begin on The Commons parcel in late May/June for improvements covered by the $1M Levine infrastructure grant. This will include grading, utilities, a parking lot and possibly entrance improvements.
We appreciate your donations in support for this vital community asset.
Ann Morrison
President, The Commons Foundation
PS: If you’re passionate about supporting our new public library and wish to honor someone who has passed with a Memorial Gift, please consider The Commons Foundation. Likewise, if you would like to continue supporting the new library beyond your lifetime, consider making a gift to TCF in your estate plans through your will or trust. Kindly contact us at for additional information. Thank you.