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TCF Newsletter March 2023

Dear Friend,

What a crazy year for weather. January was exceptionally rainy, and February was especially cold.  Late in the month, there was snow on Mount Tam that lasted for a couple of days. Let’s hope the end of March turns out to be a bit warmer and that we can enjoy spending more time outdoors. 


  • Larkspur City Hall – Move or no Move?

The Marin IJ recently published an article about the Larkspur City Council’s upcoming decision about moving City Hall out of the current historic building. Read the whole story here.

The City Council voted 3-2 on Wednesday March 1st to seek contractors (for just) a library on the vacant lot at Rose Lane and Doherty Drive.   So, like it or not – Larkspur will not include City offices in its plan to construct a new library.  Separately, the City will seek experts to begin planning the rehabilitation of the 109-year-old City Hall at 400 Magnolia Ave., where the City offices and Council Chambers will remain.  The RFQ (Request For Quote) for the library will go out at the end of March.

  • Next steps: Design

The process to choose a development team for the new library will include public presentations to the City Council by those firms/groups that are selected as finalists through earlier, technical phases. These presentations will take place on Saturday, July 15, 2023.  The selection and award of the project will occur on a later date so that everyone has time to reflect on what is presented.  Please mark the date and plan on attending if your schedule allows.

Upcoming Events

  • Join us for Touch Trucks Family Fun – Sunday, May 7, 2023, 9:30-10:30 – a benefit event for the new library

Friends of the Larkspur Library is bringing back the popular Touch Trucks event, so mark your calendars and get ready for another day of family fun! Free parking at the east parking Lot, Redwood High. Tickets $5 each, including kids in strollers. On sale now at Eventbrite and at the door. 

Tough Trucks flyer
Tough Trucks flyer
  • The Bon Air Center Community Spring Fair: Saturday May 20, 11am-2pm

Come visit the TCF and other Larkspur library groups, at this free, family-friendly community event to highlight our shared heritage and history. 

Saturday, May 20, 2023 from 11 AM – 2 PM

  • TCF In the News

Marin Magazine highlighted TCF’s  “Why I Love Libraries art contest, held in December 2022. Read the story here.

I hope to see you walking around Larkspur when the warmth returns!


Ann Morrison